The foster care in Wales has a problem in the near future, if they do not get enough new carers in time. The average age of foster carers has increased from 46 to 53 for women and from 47 to 54 for men. This means that many of them will retire soon and there will be a shortage. There is already a shortage of 700 carers, so it is urgent that this gap is filled with younger people that can help children for many years to come. The Fostering Network, a charity for foster care, says that foster care should be promoted in a way that appeals to younger people. Moreover, the carers should be rewarded properly. Currently only 50 percent of the councils in Wales pays the carers what they are entitled to.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/8042710.stmReaction to “Warning on ‘aging’ foster carers”
Foster care is a very important institute in society. Children that cannot live with their parents often develop severe problems, especially if they have to live with many different families in their childhood. Long term foster carers can make the difference between a child dropping out of school or even joining criminal organisations, and children getting a proper education and finding their place in society. My neighbours have a foster child and it is not easy, but they find it very rewarding. I think they should be rewarded financially too, so that they can work fewer hours and have time to give the children the attention they need.
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